Customer Success

The Role of Marketing in HubSpot’s Rise to Prominence

April 21, 2011

In the early days of HubSpot, the path to success was unclear.

But the team, which was comprised mostly of MIT graduates, certainly had a vision. As time progressed, it became evident that content would drive HubSpot’s inbound marketing efforts. They would market to marketers, per se. And the customers they attracted would be savvy in marketing strategy, just as HubSpot was.

Today, HubSpot offers webinars, tools and blog content on a range of topics. Their content is widely regarded for its thought leadership and pioneering; they were preaching content when few others were. As a result of their initial vision, the company has grown exponentially, and it is now investor-backed.

What the future holds for HubSpot is unknown. But so long as they continue on the path they’ve set out on, it seems promising. For more information on marketing at HubSpot, watch the video featuring Mike Volpe.