Product Launches: What Separates the Good, Bad and Ugly?

January 31, 2012

In short, a level of professionalism and careful attention to the details is what separates a good launch from a bad one (or worse, an ugly one).

Nathalie Lussier, product launch specialist, reviewed some of the specifics that separate these camps. Having experienced both product launch successes and flops, Lussier saw common trends emerge from her experiences.

Expounding on the idea that not all product launches are created equal, she analyzes the traits of the average product launch professional versus their more skilled counterparts — and found a clear connection to the outcome of a product launch. In this video, she goes over the importance of testing and research to see how a market will react to a launch.

Lussier also advises against test product launches in all forms. When that route is taken, the result is often half-baked ideas and a general lack of effort. For more product launch tips, watch the video featuring Lussier.