
Never Stop Getting Out of the Building

September 13, 2013

Attention SaaS Companies: Do your customers a favor — step away from the computer and make a habit of getting out of the building!

Busy burning the midnight oil in order to develop the newest and best product features? Well, guess what? You’re probably not doing them, or yourself, any favors. In this video Brant Cooper and Peter Vlaskovits, authors of the bestselling book, The Lean Entrepreneur, explain why you can’t put an end to customer development just because you’ve got a minimum viable product and big investor check. Instead, you need to (continue to) get out of the building.

Customer development doesn’t ever stop, stress Cooper and Vlaskovits. Far too often they’ve seen engineers try to advance their product from the inside of a room. Instead, they explain why stepping away from the computer and visiting customers at their own offices or jumping on sales and support calls is where you really start to make progress.

Photo by: Ianqui Doodle