Ultimate Guide to Corporate Blogging is HERE

February 7, 2011

Corporate Blogging is a Great Foundation to any Content Marketing Strategy

Cor­po­rate blog­ging pro­grams are a key com­po­nent to any mar­ket­ing strat­egy. It is important for all of your employees to write blogs, instead of just the CEO or marketing department. It can help in many ways including:

  • Gen­er­at­ing leads via search engines
  • Help­ing build your brand by demon­strat­ing your team’s cul­ture and expertise
  • Give your sales team a valu­able vehi­cle to bet­ter con­nect with tar­get prospects, cus­tomers, and key influencers

OpenView Labs has packaged a complete guide to help expansion stage companies start a corporate blogging program. This eBook includes an introduction on corporate blogging, checklists and quick start guides for each person responsible for kicking off a successful blogging initiative. The eBook features unique tips from content marketing experts Ann Handley, Jonathan Kranz, and Joe Pulizzi.

Be sure to get your copy and get started with blogging today!

Content Marketing Director

<strong>Amanda Maksymiw</strong> worked at OpenView from 2008 until 2012, where she focused on developing marketing and PR strategies for both OpenView and its portfolio companies. Today she is the Content Marketing Director at <a href="https://www.fuze.com/">Fuze</a>.