Job Fulfillment: Should You Have to Choose Between Happiness and Money?

January 14, 2013

Should you have to choose between job fulfillment and money?
As with every New Year, we reflect on our past resolutions — the ones we kept as well as those that fell through, and of course we make new ones. These may include: striving to be a better person, joining a gym, spending more time with family, and maybe — just maybe — being happier in your job. Now that would be great, wouldn’t it?
I have had many friends and associates confess that they are unhappy in their current jobs, yet they choose to stick with their companies. Why?
Why do we stay in jobs that don’t give us happiness, make it hard for us to get out of bed in the morning, and keep us awake at night?
There may be several reasons, but many admit it often has to do with the dollar signs. Before I continue, when it comes to job fulfillment, I want to clarify that I don’t believe all jobs that make people happy are the ones that don’t pay well, or that well-paying jobs are ones that don’t make people happy. Clearly, that isn’t the case.
However, since we invest so much time and effort in our jobs, shouldn’t we expect to derive some amount of happiness from our work? If this isn’t the case for you, then it is probably time to reevaluate your current situation. If in fact you are in your current role simply because of the money and you are unhappy then there are some simple solutions you can explore to help make your job more pleasing. Here are some things to think about:

1) Is it your particular job that makes you unhappy?

Sometimes you can be unhappy with your job if you are not challenged enough, don’t particularly like what it is that you do, or find what you are doing isn’t aligned with your skill set or background.
A simple solution could be to speak with your manager and ask to get involved in projects that are more aligned to your interests. Additionally, it might be worth exploring other roles on different teams and learning about any available opportunities within your company that are potentially better aligned with your background.

2) Are you not being recognized for your efforts?

Regardless of your compensation, jobs often don’t seem worth it unless you’re getting at least some form of recognition for your efforts. A simple ‘thank you’ or ‘great job’ is all it might take to make a difference.
If you feel uncomfortable mentioning this to your manager, speak to someone on your HR team about it as he or she can then offer some advice or provide some tips on reward/recognition strategies to your manager.

3) Are you lacking a proper work/life balance?

Are you feeling overworked? Don’t be afraid to speak up. Sometimes you have to let your manager know that there are simply not enough hours in the day to get your job done. If he or she doesn’t seem to understand, then you have to question if this is the type of work environment you want to be in.
Additionally, you should consider whether there are certain inefficiencies in your role. If so, it may be worth exploring other options to eliminate those inefficiencies and reduce some of the burden in your role. It may also be helpful to reflect on the last time you took a vacation. Did you really step away from the pressures of work or did you remain plugged-in?
If you are currently unhappy in your job, the question remains, should you make a change within your current job or move on to a new position at a different company? It can be a tough decision to make, but thinking about the questions above should help.
If, on the other hand, you have the best of both worlds – you’re currently making your ideal salary and you love your job — then count yourself lucky. You’ve hit the ultimate jackpot!

Have you had to choose between being satisfied at your job and leaving a high-paying position? I’d love to hear your thoughts and stories!

Head of People Operations

Salima Ladha is the Head of People Operations at <a href="">Signpost</a>, a cloud-based marketing software that gives local businesses the power to effortlessly build and manage customer relationships. She previously recruited top talent to to OpenView and our Portfolio Companies.