A Great Way to Look at Sales Ops

December 17, 2009

I read another great blog post from the Sales Operations Blog called “Sales Manager Effectiveness… The Key To Sales Productivity”. This one is actually a guest blog post by Phillippe LeBaron President of LB4G Consulting, Inc.

In addition to some great tips and key takeaways, the post presents a really interesting way to think about the role of sales operations. Creating the inputs to produce the outputs desired of sales reps and sales mangers.

At expansion stage software companies there is often confusion on what the role of sales operations is, and the truth is that it varies a lot from one company to the next. I think the post provides a good framework that can be applied to any company to help sales operations figure out what they should be working on.

Please enjoy.

VP, Sales

Ori Yankelev is Vice President, Sales at <a href="https://www.ownbackup.com/">Own Backup</a>. He was previously a Sales and Marketing Associate for OpenView.